“How the songs are recorded isn’t nearly as important as the emotional octane in her voice... That voice-a silvery wisp, then a deeply guttural thrust-carries power and nuance with equal ease, it’s one of her best weapons. Consequently, Unglamorous, McKenna’s ‘major label’ debut, starts at the voice and works from there. Whether it’s the thrilling taunt of a love that can’t be abandoned no matter the circumstances on the driving 'I Know You,' replete the details and inner knowledge of a love shared over years, the wavering resolve of 'How To Survive,' that chronicles the white knuckle survival strategies that are anything but the joy of thriving or the aching looking back at the tiny 6-year old’s moments with a mother in the throes of critical illness 'Leaving This Life,' McKenna hits the emotional bulls-eye song after song.” – American Songwriter